Free download Monster Fantasy v1.0 APK | Hallo sobat ini dia game yang telah update dan game paling keren akan di persembakan untuk kalian game strategy dan kekuatan monster, dikembangkan oleh Langtong permainan. Untuk menjadi pelatih rakasa terbaik dalam rakasa fantasi, pemain harus perjalanan ke seluruh dunia, menangkap ton monster kuat dan kalian harus menang dalam permainan ini. Bagaiman apakah kalian bisa menghadapi semua tantangan yang ada.

★ Monster Type System
Monster Fantasy is based on monster battles. Monsters have different types that have both strengths and weaknesses. To train different monster according to interests and strategies is the essence of this game.
★ Various Skill Combinations
Skill is the key to each battle. Each monster learns different skills as it grows and various skkill combinations make the game very interesting.
★ Send Monster To Friend
Send and receive monsters between friends.
★ Unique Mechanism
Mechanism System: Unlock the mechanism to challenge Gym Masters.
★ Original Scenes
Players can enjoy the battle, roadside flowers and beautiful sky while traveling through the world.
★ Interesing Puzzles
Game Hall System: Play puzzles and exchage rewards with coupons.
★ Various Elements
Other Features:
Map System: Town, cave, tunel, lake…… The best views you have ever seen.
Quest System: Get to know everyone and their stories. Finish their quests to get rewards.
Achievement System: The more you achieved, the better trainer you are.
What's in this version : (Updated : 29 April 2016)
No recent changes
Monster Fantasy v1.0 APK | Server 1
Monster Fantasy v1.0 APK | Server 2
Monster Fantasy v1.0 APK | Server 3
Monster Fantasy v1.0 APK | Server 4
Monster Fantasy v1.0 APK | Server 5
Monster Fantasy v1.0 APK | Server 1
Monster Fantasy v1.0 APK | Server 2
Monster Fantasy v1.0 APK | Server 3
Monster Fantasy v1.0 APK | Server 4
Monster Fantasy v1.0 APK | Server 5
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